速報APP / 教育 / CTET Pedagogy In Urdu

CTET Pedagogy In Urdu





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



CTET Pedagogy In Urdu(圖1)-速報App

CTET/TET's Pedagogy (Methods Of Teaching) Material And MCQ(Multiple Choice Questions) in Urdu With online Tests.

"CTET Pedagogy In Urdu" (Methodology/Methods Of Teaching In Urdu) is First App in Google play store To Learn Mathematics Pedagogy(Methods), Science Pedagogy(Methods), Social Pedagogy(Methods) in Urdu and Practice With MCQ(Multiple Choice Questions)Tests and Evaluate Yourself. Its Also Help Full For All India State TETs(Teachers Eligibility Test) Like :CTET,APTET, TS TET, UPTET, Bihar TET, APDSC, TSTRT etc.

Important Features:

* Mathematics Methods Nearly 400 Bits added

CTET Pedagogy In Urdu(圖2)-速報App

* Mathematics Methods MCQ Tests Added

* Science Methods MCQ Test Added

* Zoom Feature Available

* CTET/TETs Online Tests Added

CTET Pedagogy In Urdu(圖3)-速報App

Upcoming Features:

* More Maths Methods MCQ Tests

* Science Methods Bits

* More Science Methods MCQ Tests

CTET Pedagogy In Urdu(圖4)-速報App

* Socila Methods Bits

* Social Methods MCQ Tests

Keywords:- Maths Pedagogy In Urdu, Science Pedagogy In Urdu, Social Pedagogy In Urdu,

Maths Methods In Urdu, Science Methods In Urdu, Social Methods In Urdu,

CTET Pedagogy In Urdu(圖5)-速報App

Maths Pedagogy MCQ Test In Urdu, Science Pedagogy MCQ Test In Urdu, Social Pedagogy MCQ Test In Urdu, Maths Methods MCQ Test In Urdu, Science Methods MCQ Test In Urdu, Social Methods MCQ Test In Urdu.

CTET Pedagogy In Urdu(圖6)-速報App